Safe Work Return

Integrated Program to Get Back to Work Safely


Baseline Testing

The ability to provide employee testing can reduce the risk of asymptomatic spread of COVID-19


Daily Symptom Checker

Web based tool to screen employees as they enter the office and eliminates the need for paper records


Activity Tracker

Providing employees an educational and tracking tool that allows them to quantify the amount of risk they accumulate through daily activities

What Employers Need

  • Simple solution and user experience for your employees
  • Layered approach to risk management
  • Non-invasive saliva testing that can be easily self administered by employees
  • Employees NOT entering the workplace if they have symptoms or high risk based on activity choices
  • Education that continues the conversation about health & wellness and behavior changes
  • A solution that does not require downloading of multiple apps or added software licensing
  • Protection of your Private data – You own your data and the actions taken on it

What You Don't Want

Risk and Inconvenience

  • Employees sitting at home not working while waiting 10 days for a COVID test
  • Symptomatic employees showing up to work asking, “what should I do next?”… and getting others sick
  • An invasive swab deep in your nasal passage for a COVID-19 test
  • The government having access into your personal data
  • A technologically complex solution for your employees

The New Normal

  • Covid-19 is invisible
  • The disease is highly contagious primarily spread between people
  • Every person you meet or work with could become infected and contagious and it may not be apparent
  • We cannot get to zero risk, we can only minimize probability of the spread of the disease
  • Employers need a solution “A Path” that identifies and manages risk, provides multiple layers of proactive protection, and safeguards to maintain control of workplace safety

As a result, there is considerable pressure to resume economic activity of the country and “restart the economy”. To safely resume economic activity within the United States, we will need a safe return to work solution for employers using non-invasive testing, an easy to use Symptom Checker, coupled with an Employee Education and Activity Tracker.

Safe Employees, Safe Employer, Safe Work

With the introduction of COVID-19 in the United States in the first quarter of 2020, we have seen an unprecedented upheaval of social processes and a dramatic response to control of this deadly organism. The disruption of the social, economic, and personal norms have been devastating to employers and employees in most industries.

This virus is highly infectious, being easily transmitted from one individual to another This creates a somber and sobering reevaluation of many of the basic functions of society and the “new normal” moving forward that are particularly important for employers. The economic consequences of social distancing, closing businesses, and other mechanisms for the spread of disease have had a devastating effect on businesses, particularly small businesses.

There is no clear end in sight to the pandemic and employers must adapt to the “new normal” in order to get employees safely back to work and reboot the economy.

The Advantages

  • Get back to work - keep operating
  • Proactively avoid disruption of operations
  • Protect employees and their families
  • Reassure employees about ongoing safety – Peace of Mind
  • Demonstrate to the community the company’s commitment to public safety